mercredi 4 janvier 2012

31ème Festival International Jean Rouch - OUVERTURE DES INSCRIPTIONS EN LIGNE

English below

Festival International Jean Rouch

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer l’ouverture des inscriptions pour la compétition du Festival International Jean Rouch 2012.
Nous vous rappelons que la date limite d’inscription est fixée au 15 avril 2012 et concerne les films produits après le 1er janvier 2011.
Vous trouverez la fiche d’inscription en ligne sur notre site internet
Dans l’attente et le plaisir de recevoir vos inscriptions.

Le Comité d'organisation
Barberine Feinberg, Françoise Foucault, Laurent Pellé.

Comité du Film Ethnographique
Festival International Jean Rouch
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
36 rue Geoffroy Saint Hilaire - CP 22
75005 Paris

 Jean Rouch International Film Festival 
We are very pleased to announce that the 2012 Jean Rouch International Film Festival is now open for entries. We remind you that the deadline to submit a film is 15th April 2012.
This deadline is for all films completed after 1st January 2011 .
You will find the online entry form on our website via:
We are looking forward to receiving your film submissions.
With our very best regards.
The Organizing Committee
Barberine Feinberg, Françoise Foucault, Laurent Pellé.

The Festival Jean Rouch, previously known as Bilan du FIlm Ethnographique, was created in March 1982 by anthropologist and filmmaker Jean Rouch.
Over the past thirty years, the Festival’s aim has been to showcase the most innovative and relevant trends in ethnographic filmmaking and visual anthropology, and to promote dialogue between cultures.
Organized by the Comité du Film Ethnographique, this international film festival is held in Paris (France). Each year, it brings together filmmakers, academics, students and producers, in an attempt to promote discussions and debates amongst ethnographic film practitioners and their many public, and to favour the diffusion and the distribution of the films.
We welcome documentary films without restriction to theme and length.

Comité du Film Ethnographique
Festival International Jean Rouch
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
36 rue Geoffroy Saint Hilaire - CP 22
75005 Paris


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festival jean rouch 2012

La date limite d'inscription des films est fixée au 15 avril 2012 - formulaire en ligne
The deadline to submit a film is 15th April 2012 - online submission.